So you want to add some excitement to your brain cells?  Lean in, okay?

Did you know there is an organization called Chances are high; you don’t because it is barely a year old. Imagine! A group launched by babyboomers for babyboomers is barely a year old. What on earth took so long?

The baby boomers will have their 59th to 79th trip around the sun this year. (Yikes, how did all that time vanish so quickly?)

Anyhoo, a few weeks ago, one of the founders invited me to contribute the Exploring Compassionate Capitalism RSS feed through their online site!!!!! At that time, I didn’t even have 20 episodes published, and yet, they thought the topic and quality were sufficiently high to share with their tribe. What is so amazing (to me) is all the other podcasters they invited have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of episodes. And then there’s me — who will reach 25 episodes in a couple more weeks.

If you are interested in checking out the site, here’s the link to the (free) online community for baby boomers. (And do let me know how your brain cells feel.)

The second reason I am stoked is I interviewed an absolutely amazing guest, and I believe he has something of major value for you!

When I started Exploring Compassionate Capitalism, I felt there was a connection between the state of the globe and business. Feelings are never enough to bank on, so I climbed aboard the research train. Many of the “outside the mainstream” thoughts and ideas I have held for so long are coming into focus. Yes, indeed, there is a business and a people connection.

I just completed a four-episode series about our home offices. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the machinations of business. It has everything to do with how human-friendly your home and, by extension, your home office is.

I learned that energy efficiency, eco friendly and green have absolutely nothing to do with being people-friendly. And if you believe our world needs more people-first direction, or, simply, more people-centricity, then —

I strongly encourage you to listen to the four episodes that are landing every Saturday morning in March. You’ll learn some of the dirty little secrets the home construction industry has, you’ll understand that clean air is not necessarily clean, and you’ll walk away with at least three solid tips for making your house more people-friendly (bonus, they don’t cost an arm and a leg). PLUS, you’ll also get tips on removing mould in the bathroom and keeping your home in beautiful smelling shape.  Find it on Spotify.

Whether you own or rent, I really want you to invest the 15 to 20 minutes each episode needs. I promise. You’ll hear some very solid stuff you’ve likely not heard before. Your brain cells will NEVER be the same.

Spinning mirror ball for BPYBN


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