Ruling Your World In 10 Easy Steps

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Pretty much all of us can agree there are a zillion coaches in existence today who have some pretty specific ideas about how you can go about making your business successful, right?

We are not coaches.  While some people seem to think of us that way, we prefer the term mentor or advisor.  Because we know the best ideas about how you can run your business are already buried inside of you.  And we know that mentors and advisors PULL those ideas out of you.

We ARE experienced business people.  And over the course of our many years of gaining that experience, we have evolved a specific modus operandi, which we would like to share with you today.

Ruling Your World in 10 Easy Steps 

  1. Define Your World. Too many owners do not have a clear and highly focused idea of who their customers are.  Identifying your customers is Job #1.  Seriously.
  2. Find Out What Makes Your Customers Tick. Every customer out there is always asking “What’s In It For Me?” If you know what that ‘it’ is, then you are a thousand per cent closer and two hundred per cent better than any wild-ass guess.
  3. Figure Out Where Your Customers Hang Out. Do NOT close your mind to any medium until you know that it is absolutely of no use to you.
  4. Navel Gaze. Take a good long look at your product or service and determine if there is a unique and useful purpose for it.  If you can’t come up with a unique and useful purpose, think again.
  5. Build Your Brand Around That Purpose. A lot of brands are built around fluff, and then tons are spent on media to burrow into people’s brains.  Honestly, it’s a heck of a lot easier to build a brand around a really useful or beneficial product or service.
  6. Understand That Everything Takes Time. Nothing about branding or marketing happens overnight.  You need to establish your position and stick with it for as long as it takes to break through to your audience.
  7. Take Everything With A Grain Of Salt. You will invariably encounter a lot of people who claim they can help you get where you want to go, faster, cheaper, whatever. In today’s world, this is only true in a very small percentage of cases. Therefore, listen carefully and be very sceptical.
  8. Use Customer Feedback To Refine Your Story. If asked, many customers will give you insights from a perspective that you simply don’t have. Smart business owners treasure this information and make good use of it.
  9. Think Inside As Well As Outside. Your people need to be as up to speed on your efforts as you are. And not just your salespeople. Everyone needs to know what their company is about, and what you are ALL trying to achieve together.
  10. Be Relentless. Make sure that your effort is strong and consistent and that you keep on pushing.
  11. Find Suppliers And Allies You Can Trust. No company is an island. You need people with a whole range of skills to help you get where you are going.

Did you notice we slipped in a bonus tip and called it eleven?  Why would we do such a thing?  Because if all of this makes sense and now you are thinking that number eleven should be your first action item, call us.  We can help you.

A Parting Thought

“If you want to be successful, you must respect one rule. NEVER LIE TO YOURSELF.” Paulo Cohelo

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